Open Menu



Here is a slideshow showing images of the interior of the Chapel, including new modifications to the reception area.

1 / 17
Left side of Chapel, Ground floor
2 / 17
Stairway leading to second floor
3 / 17
4 / 17
Cross above altar
5 / 17
Bookcase by Chapel enterance
6 / 17
Bookcase by Chapel enterance
7 / 17
View of Chapel from second floor
8 / 17
Centre pews on ground floor
9 / 17
Sitting area in reception
10 / 17
Sitting area in reception
11 / 17
Sitting area in reception
12 / 17
Sitting area in reception
13 / 17
Altar at night
14 / 17
Central pews at night
15 / 17
Central pews at night
16 / 17
Central pews at night
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Altar at night